Design Partner Creating Since 1992
graphic web
There’s nothing like developing a product, brand or maybe just a useful item for around your home. Our minds are creative and can do great things.
Auckland graphic web design
When choosing a design partner, it pays to learn some background about who you’re working with.
My story has always been water-based. Lakes and oceans are my happy place. This video is from 1989, now pretty retro, but that’s where it all began.
Combine a love of water with an eagerness to create things with my hands using tools, computers and unused materials.
There’s no secret sauce to design, it can take time and patience but the results should always be great.
Design Partner - studio & creative nest
Designed and co-built by Wayne and a builder, this tiny office concept was a 2 year project. It now serves as a base for design partner and Wayne invites clients to create and curate projects with him.
curated into three
A new brand for a well established practice.

recycle, upcycle or bicycle
The act of taking something no longer in use and giving it another life or new function.